Life Isn’t Fair
Ok, so you've tried the "Golden Rule", Think Before You Act, and even "Rule #1", Face Reality (see my previous blog posts for more information on those subjects), but you're still in a bind. You have analyzed the situation and still have no idea what to do or how you got yourself in this position in the first place. Understandable. We've all been there. You did all the right things, but, sometimes, things just don't go your way. The only explanation to this phenomenon that my Dad concluded and taught my brother and I is summarized by "Rule #2", Life Isn't Fair.
Life isn't fair! Look, no matter what you're doing in life, most likely someone else is doing it bigger, better, and more successfully than you are. I don't say this to be negative or discourage you. I say this because it's just a fact of life. I remember when this epiphany hit me like a ton of bricks like it was yesterday. There I was, working out at the gym, admiring my progress in the mirror (no, not flexing) between sets, and I was really thinking I was hot stuff. Just then, this guy, built like a Parisian god, walked right in front of me and snapped me right back into reality. Bam! Reality check.
Here's the thing, not all of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouth, or with the perfect body, or flawless skin, or God-given talent, etc. 99% of us have to work hard to get what we want and where we want to go. The important thing to remember is we must be the best version of ourselves we can be. You can always do the same things as other successful people have done in whatever it is you want to be your best in, but it takes a massive amount of time and effort. You can't let "Rule #2" get you down. You just have to work harder than the rest. I love when Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson says, "Be the hardest worker in the room." He’s right. You must outwork everyone else to be the most successful person you can be. You must outwork everyone else to get that promotion. You must outwork everyone else to be the badass your peers look up to.
Did that guy at the gym discourage me from continuing to work out? No, not at all. I had to use "Rule #1" and Face Reality. The reality of the situation was he was bigger and in better shape than I was. I needed to put in more work to get myself into better shape. Then, "Rule #2" came to mind and I thought to myself, "Life isn’t fair. I'm not built like that guy. He's 6'4" and has a totally different bone structure and build than mine.” The realization sucked, but I was okay with it. I understood “Rule #2.” I wasn’t using “Rule #2” as an excuse, and I don’t want anyone to do that either. I know I have to work with what I have. In turn, I have to get my butt into the gym more often, have better, more efficient workouts, and eat a cleaner, healthier diet to get where that guy was at. I didn't sulk, get down on myself, or give up. Those were just the realities of life.
Let's take my brother as another example. This dude is healthy as an ox. I swear. My brother never gets sick, has a full head of thick hair, perfect skin, tans like he was made for the sun, has way more solid weight on him, and is pretty much unbreakable. Me, I'm the complete opposite. I have the immunity of a premature baby. I get sick all the time. I have always had skin issues. I'm as pale as a Canadian should be. I've always been skinny no matter how much I work out or take protein shakes. And, I've broken multiple bones multiple times. The worst part is my brother treats his body like a toxic wasteland. Meanwhile, I eat extremely healthy and clean, I exercise regularly, and I drink almost a gallon of water every single day! I told my brother one day that he is a cockroach because nothing will ever kill that guy and he, with a smirk on his face, agreed. I say all this to tell you that life isn't fair. The differences between my brother and I irritate me to no end but, I have to face reality and accept that life isn't fair. I must live and play with the cards that were dealt to me. That's it.
You may have a Porsche, the next guy has a Ferrari. You've got a six pack, the girl doing yoga next to you has an eight pack. You've got straight hair, you want curly hair. You've got a million dollars, your boss has a billion dollars. Do you see where I'm going with this? So, what are you going to do about it? Sit there and complain that life isn't fair? No! You're going to get your motivated self out there and do something about your situation. Because, as Mark Manson preaches, some things are not your fault, but it's your responsibility to do something about it.
Disclaimer: I started this blog as more of a therapeutic journal to document and share my life with others who are interested in listening. My blog posts will solely be based on my thoughts, opinions, and experiences as I work on my own path towards Mental Wealth. As I acquire new information along the way, my stance may change to reflect the new things I’ve learned. I, too, am a work in progress so please be patient, be kind, and bear with me. Thank you. - CM