The Golden Rule
People tell you all the time what rules to live by. They're plastered all over magazines, on billboards, in gyms. You see them on tv during commercials. You hear about them on podcasts and on the radio (does anyone still listen to the radio anymore?). Some will even tattoo these rules onto their bodies. "No fear!" "Live in the moment." "Carpe diem." And my least favorite, "Zero f*cks given." Everyone seems to have figured life out with their "rules." If you follow rule X, then your life will be Y. These "rules" are anywhere from wonderful to dreadful, and from inspiring to arrogant. Personally, I've never really bought into some of these so-called "rules to live by." Most of it is humdrum, if you ask me. Please don't get me wrong though. I love rules. I am a rule follower (for the most part). I think rules are very important. Rules definitely have their time and place in society. But I'm a simple guy so I like to keep it simple.
If the rule(s) you live by are working for you, great! Stick to those rules and keep going. I'm here for it! But I'll stick to my rule as well. My rule is straightforward and effective. My rule has prevented me from making grave decisions yet has given me great opportunities. The rule I live by was termed, "The Golden Rule" by my Dad. It's not the typical Golden Rule you would read in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12), "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..." No, this was my Dad's "rule" that he lived by. We had two other "rules" of life my Dad would preach to us, but that's a story for another day (perhaps my next blog post!).
As my Dad loved to lecture my brother and I whenever we got into trouble, he loved even more to ask us what the "Golden Rule" was at the end of his lecture. It was annoying. It was repetitive. It was tiresome. In whatever foolish situation my brother and/or I would get ourselves into, and after we were done explaining or complaining (however you want to look at it) our case, my Dad would say, "Son, what's the 'Golden Rule'?" Reluctantly, we would mutter in tandem, "Think before you act." Sigh. "That's right, son!" he would say. "Think BEFORE you act."
Now, I know this doesn't sound like a revelation to most, but honestly it set the tone for my decision-making at an early age. "Think before you act." Simple, right? It's easy to recite. It's easy to remember. It's also easy to forget when your emotions get the better of you. Nonetheless, if you practice and apply the "Golden Rule" in your life, it becomes automatic.
I'm sure you are wondering by now what this has to do with Mental Wealth. Well, let me tell you! Applying the "Golden Rule" to pretty much every facet of your life will help you improve on the thing you want to improve on. The "Golden Rule" can be applied to every decision you're just about to make before you make it. Whatever goal you have in mind, apply the "Golden Rule" and think before you act. Wanna get out of financial debt? Think about what you're trying to accomplish before spending your money on useless crap. Wanna lose weight? Think about what foods you should be ingesting before reaching for those unhealthy snacks. Wanna relax and be more mindful? Think about spending your time more wisely reading a book instead of scrolling mindlessly on your phone (or this blog post). It's really that easy.
Remember, we are all human, and we all make mistakes. Sometimes we don't use the "Golden Rule" every time in every situation. And that's okay! Don't beat yourself up. Give yourself some grace. As long as you employ this rule consistently and effectively over a long period of time, you will be able to reach your goals.
Disclaimer: I started this blog as more of a therapeutic journal to document and share my life with others who are interested in listening. My blog posts will solely be based on my thoughts, opinions, and experiences as I work on my own path towards Mental Wealth. As I acquire new information along the way, my stance may change to reflect the new things I’ve learned. I, too, am a work in progress so please be patient, be kind, and bear with me. Thank you. - CM